Warner West Pet Clinic

18364 Beach Blvd
Huntington Beach, CA 92648



Cancer is a Cellular Delinquent

Like people, our pets’ bodies develop cancer cells throughout their lifetime. In the lucky ones, these cells remain dormant and no malignancy ever grows; in oth ...

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How Much for that Doggy in the Window?

Let’s face it. We’ve all been victims. You walk past the pet shop on the way to the shoe store. Or you’re looking for bargains at the local flea market. You’re ...

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Ticks Are Arthropod Parasites for Mammals

Ticks are skin parasites that feed on the blood of their hosts. Ticks like motion, warm temperatures from body heat, and the carbon dioxide exhaled by mammals, ...

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Classroom Pets: Things to Consider

Having pets in school classrooms is a somewhat controversial subject. For every good point that's raised (e.g., promoting empathy, entertainment, learning about ...

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Internet Research: Gathering Information Efficiently and Wisely

The medical information we can find for our animals and ourselves has improved immeasurably because of the internet. But it’s important to remember, anyone can ...

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Imaging Tests (Radiology Options) for Pets

Imaging in veterinary medicine has advanced greatly since the first radiographs (x-rays) were taken of pets just decades ago. Today a multitude of imaging tests ...

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